Tabletop Gaming Autism Family Teenagers

Dungeons and Dragons For Autistic Players 

Dungeons & Dragons isnt just a game—its a gateway to better communication, improved social skills, and a boost in creativity, especially for autistic players. With its mix of structured rules and endless imagination, this classic role-playing adventure offers more than just fun. Its a chance for players on the autism spectrum to grow and connect in ways that go far beyond the game table. This blog post explores Dungeons and Dragons for autistic players and how it can be beneficial as a therapeutic and educational tool, offering excitement alongside real-world advantages. 

Gaming and Autism

Before we dive into the epic world of Dungeons and Dragons, it’s important to point out that gaming has always been seen as a source of entertainment, but its benefits go far beyond fun. In recent years, researchers and mental health experts have highlighted how both video games and tabletop games can be therapeutic and positively impact well-being, especially for individuals with neurodiverse conditions like autism. 

Dungeons and Dragons for autistic players

For autistic individuals, games offer a unique way to build social skills, improve communication, and explore creativity in a safe, structured environment. Whether its through the collaborative storytelling of tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons or the strategic thinking required in video games, these platforms provide opportunities for growth, learning, and connection that can be harder to find in everyday life. 

What is Dungeons & Dragons?

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game that brings storytelling, problem-solving, and teamwork to life. Players create unique characters, each with their own abilities and backstory, and set off on epic adventures guided by a Dungeon Master (DM).  

The DM serves as the narrator and referee, describing the settings, challenges, and outcomes based on the players’ choices and the dice roll. This dynamic creates an immersive experience where creativity and collaboration are key.  

The game’s structured rules provide a solid framework, but within that, players have the freedom to shape their journey, solve complex problems, and interact in meaningful ways with both the game world and their fellow players. This balance of structure and flexibility makes D&D not just a fun game, but also a powerful tool for building social connections and fostering creativity. 

Developing Social Skills through Play

One of the most significant challenges faced by autistic individuals can be navigating social interactions. D&D naturally facilitates social skills by requiring players to work together to solve problems, explore dungeons, and defeat monsters.  

The game’s cooperative nature encourages players to articulate their thoughts, understand different perspectives, and support each other. These interactions happen in a controlled setting where players can test and learn social norms without the pressure of real-world consequences. 

Enhancing Communication Skills

Communication is a key component of D&D. Players must listen to the DM and their fellow adventurers to understand the storyline and make informed decisions.  

For autistic players, this can be an excellent opportunity to practice verbal skills and non-verbal cues. Explaining complex strategies or describing character actions helps improve expressive language skills and fosters an understanding of the nuances of communication, such as tone and emotion. 

Fostering Creativity and Imagination

D&D’s open-ended gameplay makes it an excellent tool for encouraging creativity. Autistic individuals often have unique ways of viewing the world, and D&D allows them to express these perspectives creatively. Creating characters, coming up with solutions to challenges, and diving into imaginative role-play give a fun, safe way to get creative and build confidence in those skills. 

Structured Learning Environment

The rules and structure of D&D provide a predictable framework that can be comforting to autistic players.  

The preference for routine and predictability among individuals with autism is deeply ingrained in both the neurological structure and psychological makeup of the autistic brain. 

Understanding and adhering to game rules helps in developing executive functioning skills like planning and organisation. Furthermore, the games turn-based nature allows players time to process information, decide on their actions, and understand the flow of the game, which can be particularly beneficial for those who need more time to process social and cognitive information. 

dungeons and dragons for autistic players can be beneficial. This is an image of five young men sitting around a table playing

Coping Mechanisms and Emotional Regulation

Role-playing scenarios in D&D can also help players develop and practice coping mechanisms in a controlled environment. Encountering challenges and managing setbacks within the game can mirror real-life situations but in a less threatening way. This can help autistic players experiment with different strategies for emotional regulation and stress management, which they can then apply outside of the game. 

Dungeons & Dragons for autistic players

D&D is more than entertainment for autistic players; it provides a valuable platform for growth and learning. By participating in D&D sessions, autistic individuals can enhance their social skills, communication abilities, and creativity while enjoying the friendships, teamwork and excitement of the game. For parents, educators, and therapists, incorporating D&D into supportive strategies can be a fun and effective way to help autistic individuals navigate and thrive in their everyday lives. 

Interested in exploring how Dungeons & Dragons can benefit you or someone you know on the autism spectrum? Join one of our upcoming D&D gaming sessions – we even offer a FREE trial session so you can ensure that you or the participant are a good fit. Dive into the world of D&D and discover a place where imagination and development go hand in hand! Get started today! 

Autism Family

Understanding Time Blindness

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects individuals in different ways. One of the less commonly discussed challenges faced by some autistic individuals is time blindness. Time blindness refers to difficulty perceiving and managing time effectively, which can significantly affect daily functioning and overall quality of life. This blog post explores what time blindness is, how it can affect autistic individuals and strategies to help manage it. 

What is Time Blindness?

According to Psychology Today: 

Time blindness describes a persistent difficulty in managing time and perceiving how quickly it passes. People who struggle with time blindness may be frequently late, find it difficult to plan their day or meet deadlines, or become easily absorbed in time-wasting activities without realising how much time has passed. 

People with time blindness may struggle to estimate how long tasks will take, miss deadlines, arrive late to appointments, or have difficulty maintaining a schedule. This can lead to frustration and stress for the individual and those around them. 

Autism-and-Time-Blindness - a female checking her watch with an alarm clock, calendar, phone and gaming stick floating around her

For autistic individuals or those with ADHD, time blindness can be particularly challenging. Autism often comes with heightened sensory sensitivities, rigid routines, and difficulties with executive functioning. These factors can exacerbate the effects of time blindness, making it harder for autistic individuals to navigate daily life. 

How Time Blindness Affects Autistic Individuals

Time blindness is not a medical condition or disability. And others often perceive it as an excuse to be rude, lazy or incompetent. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the individual.  

At the core, time blindness affects individuals differently, but below, we’ve outlined some common traits: 

1. Difficulty Estimating Time: Autistic (and ADHD) individuals with time blindness may find it challenging to predict how long tasks will take. This can result in underestimating or overestimating the time needed for activities, leading to missed appointments or incomplete tasks. 

2. Struggles with Transitions: Moving from one activity to another can be difficult for autistic individuals. Time blindness can make these transitions even more challenging, as individuals may lose track of time and struggle to shift their focus. 

3. Missed Deadlines and Appointments: Time management is crucial for meeting deadlines and keeping appointments. Autistic individuals with time blindness may often miss deadlines or be late for appointments, affecting their academic, professional, and personal lives. 

Time Blindness can affect autistic and adhd individuals. This photo is of a young man at his desk with his hands over his eyes and his head down

4. Impact on Daily Routines: Routines are essential for many autistic individuals, providing a sense of structure and predictability. Time blindness can disrupt these routines, causing anxiety and distress. 

5. Stress and Anxiety: The inability to manage time effectively can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Constantly feeling rushed, missing important events, and dealing with the consequences of poor time management can be overwhelming. 

Strategies to Manage Time Blindness

While time blindness can be a significant challenge, some strategies can help autistic individuals manage their time more effectively. These strategies focus on creating structure, using visual aids, and incorporating technology. 

  • Use Visual Schedules: Visual schedules can be incredibly helpful for autistic individuals. These schedules use images and symbols to represent different activities and their durations; they can also increase predictability and structure. By providing a visual representation of the day, visual schedules can help individuals understand what to expect and when.  
  • Timers and Alarms: Using timers and alarms can help manage time effectively. Set alarms for specific tasks and transitions to ensure activities are completed within the allocated time. Visual timers, which show the passage of time visually, can be particularly helpful. 
  • Break Tasks into Smaller Steps: Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps can make them less overwhelming. Estimate the time needed for each step and set mini deadlines. This approach can help individuals stay on track and complete tasks more efficiently. 
  • Use Time Management Apps: Numerous time management apps can help with scheduling, reminders, and task tracking. These apps can provide visual and auditory cues, helping individuals stay organised and on schedule. 
  • Establish Routine and Consistency: A consistent daily routine can provide structure and predictability. Try to keep regular wake-up, bed, meal, and activity times. Consistency can help individuals develop a better sense of time. 
  • Create a Time-Friendly Environment: Ensure clocks are easily visible in different areas of the home or workspace. Use large, easy-to-read clocks and consider placing visual timers in frequently used areas to reinforce the passage of time. 
  • Practice Time Estimation: Encourage practice in estimating how long tasks will take. Start with simple activities and gradually move to more complex ones. Over time, this practice can help improve time estimation skills. 
  • Use Social Stories: Social stories aren’t just for kids! These short narratives describe social situations and appropriate responses. These can explain the concept of time, the importance of punctuality, and strategies for managing time effectively. 
  • Encourage Mindfulness and Reflection: Mindfulness exercises can help individuals become more aware of the present moment and the passage of time. Encourage regular reflection on daily activities and time management to find areas for improvement. 
  • Seek Professional Support: Occupational therapists and other professionals can provide valuable support and strategies tailored to the individual’s needs. They can offer personalised interventions and tools to help manage time blindness effectively. 

Time Blindness & Autism – it's a real challenge.

Time blindness is a significant challenge that some autistic and ADHD individuals face, affecting their ability to manage time and navigate daily life. However, with the right strategies and support, it is possible to mitigate the effects of time blindness and improve overall functioning. By using visual aids, technology and creating a structured environment, autistic individuals can develop better time management skills and enhance their quality of life. Understanding and addressing time blindness is crucial in supporting autistic individuals to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. 

Want to know more about what we do here at Ignition Gamers? Book a free call and let’s chat! 


Autism Family Parenting Teenagers

Life Skills for Autistic Teens & Young Adults: Tips for Parents & Carers 

As parents and carers of autistic teens or young adults, helping them develop life skills is crucial for their independence and overall quality of life. These skills cover everything from basic self-care to more complex social interactions and play a vital role in daily functioning. Let’s dive into how we can support their growth and make everyday tasks a little easier. 

Understanding Life Skills & Autism

Life skills refer to the essential abilities needed to navigate everyday life successfully. Understanding life skills is crucial for the development and independence of autistic individuals. From practical daily tasks like cooking and cleaning to social interactions and emotional regulation 

Life skills-Autism-Autistic - teenage girl in a kitchen cutting up food on a chopping board

We’ve broken down the core life skills below:

  1. Self-Care Skills: These include personal hygiene, dressing, grooming, and essential health care. 
  2. Domestic Skills: These involve household chores such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and managing a living space. 
  3. Social Skills: These encompass communication (verbal and non-verbal), understanding social norms, making friends, dating and developing healthy relationships, and resolving conflicts.
  4. Academic and Work Skills: These cover organisational abilities, time management, study habits, and job-related skills.
  5. Financial Skills: These include budgeting, saving, and understanding financial transactions.
  6. Community Skills: These are skills that involve navigating public transportation, shopping, and accessing community resources. 

Below, you’ll find some strategies and tips to help you, as a parent or carer, to support your autistic teen or young adult in developing these essential life skills.   

Developing Self-Care Skills

Self-care is a foundational aspect of independence. Everyday Health defines this life skill as: 

“Self-care means taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help and care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day”.  

Self-care can be emotional, physical and spiritual, and it’s important to acknowledge that everyone’s version and capacity for self-care is unique to them.  

Here are some tips to help your autistic teen or young adult master self-care skills: 

  1. Create a Routine: Establishing a daily routine can provide structure and predictability. Visual schedules or checklists can be helpful tools. 
  2. Use Visual Aids: Picture cards, charts, and videos can illustrate each step of a self-care task, making it easier to understand and follow. 
  3. Practice Consistently: Regular practice helps reinforce skills. Encourage daily practice of personal hygiene tasks such as brushing teeth, showering, and dressing. 
  4. Break Down Tasks: Divide complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Focus on mastering one step at a time before moving on to the next. 

Check out the Sample Morning Checklist that Autism Speaks provides on their website. A daily checklist like this will help your loved one by giving them the small tasks needed each morning.  

Enhancing Domestic Skills

Domestic or living skills are essential for maintaining a clean and organised environment. They include tasks like cooking, doing household chores like laundry, washing dishes and vacuuming. These skills help your autistic teen or young adult develop the skills needed to live more independently 

Here are some ideas on how you can support the development of these skills: 

  1. Start Simple: Begin with tasks like making a bed or setting the table. Gradually introduce more complex chores such as cooking and laundry. 
  2. Provide Clear Instructions: Use simple, step-by-step instructions and demonstrate tasks whenever possible. 
  3. Use Visual Supports: Visual schedules and checklists can guide your teen through household tasks. 
  4. Encourage Independence: Allow your teen to take on responsibilities and complete tasks independently. Offer guidance and support as needed but avoid doing their tasks for them. 

Building Social Skills

Social skills are crucial for forming relationships and functioning in society. They help all of us build relationships and make friends. However, autistic individuals often find learning and building these skills harder. Social skills for autistic teens and young adults include: 

  • working out what other people are thinking and feeling 
  • understanding facial expressions and body language 
  • adjusting to new social situations 
  • solving social problems, like what to do when you disagree with someone 
  • understanding unwritten social rules 
  • sharing interests with other teenagers. 

Here are some strategies to help your autistic teen develop social skills: 

  1. Role-Playing: Practice social scenarios through role-playing. This can help your teen learn appropriate responses and behaviours in various situations. 
  2. Social Stories: Use social stories to explain social norms and expectations. These short narratives can illustrate how to behave in different social contexts. 
  3. Encourage Social Interaction: Provide opportunities for your teen to interact with peers, such as joining clubs, attending social events, or participating in group activities like Ignition Gamers. Our social gaming programs are powerful for helping youth develop social skills and build greater independence
  4. Model Social Behaviour: Demonstrate positive social behaviours and interactions. Your autistic teen or young adult can learn by observing how you communicate and interact with others. 

Fostering Academic and Work Skills

Academic and work skills are essential for success in school and employment. Would you believe that: 

“In Australia, the unemployment rate of Autistic people is 31.6 per cent, which is three times the rate of people with disability and almost six times the rate of people without disability. “ 

Source: Amaze 

This statistic highlights how vital the development of academic and work skills are for our autistic youth.  

Here’s how to support your teen or young adult in developing these skills: 

  1. Organisational Tools: Use planners, calendars, and apps to help your teen manage time, assignments, and tasks. 
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Break down larger tasks into smaller, achievable goals. Celebrate progress and achievements to build confidence. 
  3. Provide a Quiet Workspace: Create a distraction-free environment for studying or working. Ensure the space is well-organised and equipped with necessary supplies. 
  4. Encourage Work Experience: Support your teen in gaining work experience through internships, volunteer work, or part-time jobs. This can help develop job-related skills and build a strong work ethic. 

If your loved one is ready to enter the workforce, we encourage you to consider additional skills courses or training or working with a Disability Employment Services provider employment agency for further support. 

Teaching Financial Skills

Financial literacy is important for managing money effectively. The earlier you can help your autistic child develop these skills, the better. Teaching them about finances early in life will help them feel prepared and better able to navigate money matters and live more independently as adults 

Here are some tips to teach your teen or young adult more about finances: 

  1. Budgeting: Teach your loved one to create a budget and track expenses. Use visual aids like charts and graphs to make the process more understandable. 
  2. Saving: Encourage saving by setting up a savings account. Discuss the importance of saving for future goals. 
  3. Practical Experience: Involve your teen or young adult in financial transactions, such as shopping or paying bills. This hands-on experience can build confidence and competence. 
  4. Use Financial Apps: Introduce apps that teach financial literacy through interactive games and activities. 

Navigating Community Skills

Being able to navigate the community is essential for independence. It involves various skills, such as understanding public transportation, asking for help, and feeling comfortable in different social settings. Mastering these skills allows autistic teens and young adults to access resources, participate in social activities, and take on responsibilities like shopping or attending appointments.  

Here’s how you can help your autistic teen or young adult develop their community skills: 

  1.  Public Transportation: Teach them how to use public transportation by practising routes together. Use maps and schedules to plan trips. 
  2. Shopping Skills: Take your autistic loved one shopping and involve them in making shopping lists, comparing prices, and handling money. 
  3. Accessing Community Resources: Familiarise your teen with community resources such as libraries, recreational centres, and healthcare facilities. Practice using these resources together. 

Did you know Coles has rolled out their Quiet Hour experience to supermarkets nationally? During this time, they reduce sound Monday to Friday between 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, with some stores also reducing lighting. This is the perfect opportunity to visit and encourage those shopping skills. To find your local participating store, head to the Coles website 

Navigating life skills with your autistic teen or young adult

Helping your autistic teen or young adult develop life skills is crucial to supporting their future independence and improving their quality of life. By providing structured support, clear instructions, and consistent practice, you can confidently empower your loved one to navigate daily challenges.  

Remember, each individual is unique, and progress may vary. Celebrate every achievement, no matter how small, and continue encouraging and supporting their journey towards independence. 

Stay updated on our latest tips and activities to support your teens development by visiting our website regularly. And, if youre interested in exploring our social gaming activities for your autistic teen or young adult – reach outwed love to hear from you! 

Video Gaming Autism Tabletop Gaming

Therapeutic Benefits of Gaming

Gaming has long been considered entertainment, but its therapeutic potential extends beyond fun and escapism. In recent years, researchers and mental health professionals have recognised the impact that both video and tabletop games can have on individuals’ well-being, particularly those with neurodiverse conditions like autism. 

In this blog post, we’re diving into the therapeutic benefits of gaming for autistic individuals. We explore how it can promote cognitive development, social interaction, and emotional regulation for young autistic players. 

Cognitive Benefits of Video Gaming

Video games are often praised for their ability to engage players in complex problem-solving tasks, strategic thinking, and spatial reasoning. For autistic individuals who struggle with certain cognitive processes, video gaming can provide a unique platform for honing these skills in a safe and interactive environment.  

Research has shown that playing video games can improve attention, concentration, and executive functioning, helping autistic individuals develop adaptive strategies for navigating often real-world challenges.  

Gaming for Autistic Individuals - Benefits of Gaming - Ignition Gamers

According to Professor Stefan Greuter from Deakin’s Faculty of Arts and Education, some of the most valuable skills you can learn from video games include: 

  • Problem-solving 
  • Spatial reasoning 
  • Hand-eye coordination 
  • Communication and teamwork. 

Certain types of video games, such as puzzle-solving or simulation games, can also enhance memory retention and information processing.  

By immersing players in virtual worlds that require active engagement and decision-making, video gaming stimulates various brain areas, promoting cognitive flexibility and creative problem-solving abilities. 

Here’s another article you might find interesting about how applying appropriate virtual-based approaches could improve cognitive indexes in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  

Social Benefits of Tabletop Gaming

While video gaming offers many cognitive benefits, tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons (DnD) – offered here at Ignition Gamers – help foster social interaction and communication skills.  

Unlike video games that individuals play as solo players, tabletop games encourage players to collaborate, communicate, and cooperate with others in real time. For autistic individuals who may face challenges in social situations, tabletop gaming provides a supportive and inclusive environment where they can practice social skills in a structured, safe and low-pressure setting.  

In role-playing games (RPG) like DnD, players take on different roles within a shared narrative, working together to overcome obstacles, solve mysteries, and achieve common goals. And, there’s also a lot of information players must retain. It’s not just roll the dice and move because you must remember everybody’s stories – within the overarching story.  

This collaborative storytelling experience promotes empathy, perspective-taking, and emotional regulation, helping autistic individuals develop meaningful connections and friendships with their fellow players.  

Finally, the open-ended nature of tabletop gaming allows for flexibility and creativity, empowering players to express themselves authentically and build confidence in their social interactions. 

Still not convinced that DnD is an excellent game for autistic individuals? Autism Actually has compiled a list of 15 Ways DnD can help Autistic Individuals – check it out!  

Emotional Regulation Through Gaming

Gaming also plays a crucial role in promoting emotional regulation and well-being.  

Autistic individuals can experience heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and sensory overload. Whether video or tabletop, gaming can offer a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and relaxation. Gamers, immersing themselves in captivating narratives or engaging gameplay mechanics, can temporarily escape from the challenges they face in their everyday lives and find solace in the virtual world. 

Emotional regulation through gaming - autistic gamer - Ignition Gamers

Gaming can also serve as a form of self-soothing or sensory regulation, providing individuals with ASD with a sense of control and predictability in an otherwise unpredictable world.  

Whether it’s the calming repetition of a puzzle game or the immersion in a role-playing adventure, gaming allows players to regulate their emotions, manage stress, and cultivate a sense of empowerment over their experiences. 

Therapeutic Benefits of Face-to-Face Gaming

Of course, we encourage you to explore opportunities for social gaming in a face-to-face setting – like what we offer here at our Ignition Gamers studio in Canberra. When considering this type of gameplay for autistic individuals, we consider that the therapeutic benefits of gaming extend to include: 

  1. Improved social skills: Face-to-face social gaming helps autistic individuals develop and practice essential social skills, such as communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution, in a supportive and interactive environment.
  1. Enhanced emotional well-being: Engaging in social gaming with peers in a safe space can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, boosting emotional well-being and fostering a sense of belonging and community.
Group of young men cheering as they participate in gaming as therapy as part of NDIS social activities provided by Ignition Gamers Canberra
  1. Real-time feedback and interaction: In-person gaming provides immediate feedback and interaction, allowing participants to adjust their behaviours and strategies quickly, leading to more effective learning and skill development.
  1. Building friendships: Face-to-face interactions create opportunities for genuine connections and friendships, which can be more meaningful and long-lasting than online interactions.
  1. Encouragement in physical activities: Many face-to-face gaming sessions include breaks for physical activities or other activities outside of gaming (like our recent trip to Holey Moley Canberra!), promoting a healthier lifestyle and reducing the risks associated with prolonged sedentary behaviour.

The Importance of Health Gaming Habits

We can go on and on about the therapeutic benefits of gaming, but while gaming can be incredible for autistic individuals, there are potential pitfalls to be wary of, including: 

  • Gaming addiction 
  • Poor sleep and daytime exhaustion 
  • Aggression and poor emotional regulation outside of gameplay 
  • Irritability when not gaming 
  • Social isolation 
  • Depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts 

This doesn’t mean autistic individuals need to remove all gaming from their lives – it’s about finding that healthy balance. Parents or carers should encourage and support healthy gaming habits like taking regular breaks, staying hydrated, balancing gameplay with physical and outdoor time and setting limits.  


The therapeutic benefits of gaming are undeniable

Gaming provides young autistic people with a platform to explore, learn, and connect in ways that traditional forms of therapy and education may not. From enhancing cognitive skills and social interaction to promoting emotional regulation and well-being, gaming offers a holistic approach to supporting autistic individuals in their personal growth and development. As researchers continue to explore the therapeutic potential of gaming, it’s essential to recognise the impact gaming can have on individuals’ lives, providing them with opportunities for learning, connection, and empowerment. 

At Ignition Gamers, we use gaming to support the growth of young autistic individuals. Our face-to-face social gaming sessions offer a supportive environment where participants can build connections, develop skills, and reach their full potential. 

Ready to join the adventure? Explore our sessions today and contact us to learn how we can support you or your loved one’s journey through gaming.