welcome to ignition gamers



Ever wondered who’s behind our amazing company? Well, meet Will – one of our founders!

Will is the mastermind behind our vision to use gaming as a form of therapy, and he’s been instrumental in shaping Ignition Gamers into what it is today. As a neurodiverse person with a real love of gaming, Will enthusiastically helps other neurodiverse young people to realise that there will always be challenges, but it’s not game over, it’s game on!

Through Ignition Gamers, Will works with clients as a peer or ‘mate’, helping them move forward in life and expand their horizons initially through gaming, then later by helping them discover other activities that they enjoy, like fitness, education and in some cases, employment.

But that’s not all! Will is also known for his down-to-earth personality and infectious smile. He’s always ready to lend a helping hand or crack a joke to brighten everyone’s day.